I was pretty pumped to hear that former Northeastern classmate turned HOT AS SHIT DJ, Durkin, was producing hip-hop tracks. Durkin will be performing with Black El on Tuesday the 14th at Church Boston (one of my favorite venues for hearing new stuff) in honor of the CD Release of their full length, Color Commentary. It’s refreshing to hear some original hip-hop coming out of this place that isn’t made by some irritating New England Asher Roth wanna be. It’s only 7 bucks, but something tells me you won’t be paying that little scratch for too long with these dudes. As if this night couldn’t be awesome enough BREK.ONE, Ghostdad, and Durkin will all be spinning, so be prepared to dance your ass off to the best freaking DJ’s this city has to offer.
Author: Sam
Community Supported Agriculture: How to Get Fresh Food on the Cheap & Support Local Farmers
I didn’t buy a farm share because I’m a feel good hippy vegan who loves the environment and drives a Prius. The truth is that I love steak, I hate being reminded to recycle, and my car gets an un-brag-worthy 25 miles per gallon on premium fossil fuel. Although I did once own some Birkenstocks, but let’s not get into that…
I bought a farm share because I was fed up with the sad looking fruits and veggies in the supermarket aisle and having to pay through the nose for organic produce. Farmers Markets are a lot of fun to go to, but they’re more expensive than going to Whole Foods (at least in this neck of the woods). If you’re familiar with Boston, you already know that despite being wickedly cheap, Haymarket is where freshness goes to die.
MMOSS: New Hampshire’s Finest Psych Rock?
Last weekend was a fine one to spend in Somerville. Union Square was bustling hub of activity for music lovers with the annual Rock and Roll Yard Sale and the first ever Deep Heaven Now Psych Rock Fest. At the yard sale I spent $17 on vinyl and walked away with these gems after a solid hour of crate digging. While there were plenty of vendors selling cool poster art and vintage clothes, it was the dozens of peddlers who showed up with boxes of dusty old records who stole the show. Next year I’ll be bringing more dinero and a suit case for all my loot.
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No Party Affiliation
I recently went to the RMV (Registry of Motor Vehicles for those of you outside Massachusetts) to surrender my Pennsylvania driver’s license. It wasn’t something I was looking forward to but it made my insurance company happy and now they can renew my policy. During this wonderful visit to hell’s waiting room I had the chance to change my voter’s registration. While filling out the form something occurred to me – I’ve been registered to vote since I was 18 and not once did I actually vote in person.
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