2011 started off just the way I wanted it to: Popping a champagne cork to Prince’s “Baby I’m a Star” and sharing the first moments of the new year with some of my best friends. I’ve never been a big person for making resolutions (I keep breaking them…) but this year I made two that I do intend to keep:
1. Stop being a fatty.
The first resolution was to get my butt back into shape. You see, this whole do “Internet marketing for a living” thing isn’t conducive to a healthy lifestyle unless you put in some extra effort. When I was in college and living in the frat-ghetto fabulous neighborhood of Mission Hill I kept fit by biking and hiking a mile each way up the mini mountain to my crappy student apartment. Since I’ve become integrated into the 9-5’er routine I don’t do as much running around as I once did.
So at the recommendation of my sister and my dear friends Rainy and Milo I took advantage of a cheap membership to Planet Fitness and I’ve made a personal commitment to go a minimum of 3 times a week. Eventually I would like to begin training for roller derby as I’ve been having a hankering since I got to see the Boston Derby dames, but I rather not get a head of myself. One step at a time here, folks.
2. Get back to documenting the Boston music seen via photography.

In December of 2009 my beloved Nikon D50 died. I scrapped and saved for it during my freshman year of college. It was one of the first “affordable” consumer dSLRs on the market and I remember absolutely having to do whatever I could to get it in my hands. For the next 4 years it would be my main tool in documenting my journeys. Capturing bits and pieces of people I cared about and concerts I went to.
As of yesterday I didn’t have a functional dSLR of my own and had to rely on the kindness of friends to lend me cameras to shoot with (special thanks to Dennis & Jordan). So I scrapped and saved again for another camera. Perhaps it was a blessing in disguise as there have been many technical advancements on digital cameras in the past few years. Mainly in the introduction of HD video on consumer dSLR’s and much, much better low light performance. I’m very excited about the video functionality of the T2i and I’ll be working on some projects with friends shortly after I get a prime lens and master the controls. As you can see in the photo comparisons, the button layout on Canons is very different compared to Nikons. It’ll take a bit of time for me to “unlearn” my instincts and get comfortable shooting with the Canon in higher pressure situations, but I’m up for the task.
All in all, this year is off to a very good start and I’m hoping I’ll have some great photo-filled updates on here shortly.